Saturday, April 2, 2016

"B" is for Bible - The "A, B, C"s for Christian Schools; 26 Topics We Have the Opportunity to Teach Our Students

"B" is for Bible

Reading and studying the Bible is fundamental for any Christian homeschool or school.  Since my oldest child was in 
Pre-K we have used some sort of Bible curriculum.  When we are homeschooling we use it for morning devotions, usually while we are all still seated at the table together before we separate to do English, math, etc.  My favorites (for both homeschooling and traditional schools) include Sonlight, Christian Light Education, and Rod & Staff.   We have also had years where we just read through different passages of the Bible every morning and discussed it together.

In the Christian school setting we would always have a Bible reading and short discussion as part of our morning devotions, which also included memorizing scripture using a variety of songs.  While some of these were short 1-2 verse songs, many of them were entire chapters of the Bible.  (Contact us via email at if you are interested in receiving a pdf. file of over twenty of these scripture memory songs for free.  They are copyright free, too.)

Then, for the junior high and high school students, if not for all of the students, we would also use a Bible curriculum.    If we completed the entire book, these would count for a full high school credit. 
Note:  Christian Ethics for YOUth, one of my favorite high school Bible electives, is specifically designed to be half a high school credit (.5), but we spent a whole year on the book even though it only counted as half a credit because it was so good and packed-full of practical information.  It can be purchased from Christian Light Publications.