Sunday, July 21, 2019

Greetings from Ireland!

Our family is at Dunmore East Christian Fellowship in Dunmore East, Ireland, enjoying a week and a half at the youth Bible camp.  Before camp began, we ventured across a ferry to the Hook Lighthouse, and on the way there we saw the area at low tide.  The boats were resting on the bottom of the ocean.  On the way back, the tide was in and the boats were floating, moored to the docks.

European signs are just cuter. 

     The lighthouse origins date back to the 1200s when monks were concerned about shipwrecks on the rocky peninsula.  The architecture is amazing.  There are three floors, and this ceiling structure holds up each subsequent floor.  The staircase goes up the inside wall counterclockwise as the monks would use their right hands on the handrail as they carried bags of coal up to the fire on the top.  If the stairway had been clockwise, it would have enabled the monks to hold a sword in their right hands, and these men were nonresistant.  
This would be neat to have on a playground at school.
European doors are great.  
This was the door to the art room at the lighthouse.  

This was the original entrance to the lighthouse.  
And this lovely mountaintop was a great place for a picnic.