Thursday, October 10, 2019

Performing Perforations

  . For another creative journaling art Friday, I got an idea from our vocabulary books.  One of the vocabulary words was perforate.  What better way to really learn the word than to actually perforate something -- like, a journal page?  So we did.  I told them to gently, carefully, and artistically poke holes in a page of their journals.  (I forgot to give them this direction once, and a few students just made a big mess.) Then, I passed around the hole punch as well.  I also challenged them to be creative and to make designs.  I told them to use color.  Then I had the idea that since we were poking holes in the paper, that we could also thread something through them.  So, I got out my basket of yarn that I had picked up at a thrift store.  The students took it from there.  

This would be an example of guy perforation. 

