Monday, May 24, 2021

A Kitchen Utensil Man and a Cookbook Apron -- Art Show!

This was another art project from Studio Articulations Art Curriculum.  The students were supposed to create something reflecting their heritage, hobby, religion, family, or job.  The results were as varied as the students are.  This was one of my favorites, made entirely out of kitchen utensils.  

All of these, along with many of the students' other art projects from this year were displayed in the hallway for parents and friends to see when they arrived for the spring concert.  

This apron is made out of cookbook pages.  

This creative artist made her own book.  Look closely.  Recognize it?  The inside pages are from The Budget 

Colossians 3:2 reads, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.  The artist asks the question, "Do we spend more money on ourselves and coffee drinks than we do on giving to others?"