Today was "Switch Rooms Day". This meant that the eleven 3rd-6th graders got to be in the larger junior high and high school room. Of course, the first two questions they asked were, "May we read on the couches when we get all our work finished?" and "Can we hold the snake?" My answers to both were "Yes". This went well until one of the fifth grade girls did not want the snake near her, and until the snake figured out it could crawl inside the couch.
Meanwhile, the fourteen 7th-11th graders were a little squished in the upper elementary room. They handled it really well and were quite good sports about it, although their knees kept bumping on the desks and they kept having to move because the younger students were constantly retrieving items they had forgotten inside their desks. It was a different day.
Meanwhile, the fourteen 7th-11th graders were a little squished in the upper elementary room. They handled it really well and were quite good sports about it, although their knees kept bumping on the desks and they kept having to move because the younger students were constantly retrieving items they had forgotten inside their desks. It was a different day.