After a lovely morning of singing, we loaded up the bus and headed for Maine. Pictured above is our fabulous loading crew: bass Gene Miller (seated in loading bay), bass Linden Wadel, and tenor Derrick Yoder, who is also quite adept at making duck quacking sounds during the Oasis version of "Old McDonald Had a Farm". Alto Franklin Miller is "presenting" the loading crew, but I don't think he was actually helping them. At the time this photo was taken he also had not realized that he had left his black concert shoes at our house.
To read more of our travels with the Oasis Chorale, read the daily blog posts at or updates on the Oasis Chorale Facebook page.
And, we are truly going to see Ravi. We are singing at the "Why Jesus?" apologetics conference in Bangor, Maine, where Dr. Ravi Zacharias is speaking.