Choral Festival will be held at Faith Mennonite High School at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday evening, March 25th.
Here is the link for the live stream:
Valley View
Mark Kurtz, Conductor
O Come, Ye Servants ……………….………………………. Christopher Tye
Remember Thy Creator …………………….…... Gordon Nickel and Larry Nickel
Terre Hill Gospel Team
Jeff Swanson, Conductor
How Can I Keep from Singing ………………………… arr. Bradley Ellingboe
How Can I Keep from Singing ………………………… arr. Bradley Ellingboe
Eatnemen Vuelie …………………………………………... Frode Fjellheim
Faith Builders
Brandon Mullet, Conductor
Cantate Domino ……………...……………………………….. Karl Jenkins
Ezekiel Saw the Wheel ……………………. Traditional Spiritual, arr. Donald Moore
Jacob Zimmerman, Conductor
Hold OutYour Light …………......……. Traditional Spiritual, arr. by Lloyd Kauffman
Like a Child …………………...………...…... Loretta Ellenberger arr. Rupert Lang
Faith Chorale
Nolan Martin, Conductor
Prayer for Strength ……………………………………….…. Lyle Stutzman
Wana Baraka …………………………...………………… Shawn L. Kirchner
Jesse Weaver, Conductor
Hear My Prayer ……...……………………………………… Moses Hogan
Saints Bound for Heaven...……………... Traditional Arr. Alice Parker and Robert Shaw
Jonathan Miller, Conductor
Hear my prayer, O Lord ……………......……………………. Henry Purcell
Sticks and Stones …………………...…...…………………...... Larry Nickel
Mass Choir
Lyle Stutzman, Guest Conductor
Come, Join Our Song …………...…...…………………...…. Hal H. Hopson
Our Father in Heaven ………....…...…… Sergei Rachmaninov, ed. arr. Lloyd Kauffman
With the Voice of Joy and Thanksgiving...……………... Handel, arr. John Leavitt
I Shall See ………………...……………….……………. Michael John Trotta
Shall We Gather at the River……….………... Robert Lowry, arr. Matthew Culloton
Soon I Will Be Done ………………...……… Traditional Spiritual, arr. Mark Hayes
As for You, My Son ……………......…………………………Lyle Stutzman