Enthusiastic teacher's apprentice - check
Poetry books - check
Throws and pillows - check
Candles - check
Cinnamon rolls and iced coffee - CHECK
The students did a great job. They found poems about dogs, cats, Chevys, Fords, serious stuff, and funny stuff. Jiana found a poem the students loved. It was about Rubik's cubes which have become quite popular with the 8th graders.
She made iced coffee and her mother made caramel-iced cinnamon rolls. Mmmmmmm . . . . We even did the poetry-reading finger-snapping thing instead of clapping.
I dressed up in my flannel pajamas ("and ma in her kerchief and I in my cap, had just settled down for a long winter's nap") and read my poem. Then, for our last poem, one of the students read the Christian version of that poem available here.
Although I like to have fun, I always want my students to think.
Later we went outside, made a big circle, and set a new record of volley ball hits without the ball hitting the ground. We even added sound effects. I love teamwork! Then we had a pizza party and I read a few stories including Papa Panov's Special Christmas by Leo Tolstoy. It was an absolutely delightful day, and I appreciate my students even more than I did before. They are a wonderful bunch.