These were written by junior high students, but the same concept works for grades three through twelfth.
Assignment: In the next three minutes, tear a picture out of the magazine on your desk. (I have a stack of edited magazines, and while the students are finding a picture, I put a piece of tape on the edge of each desk.) Tape it to the journal page, and then write about your picture. These can be any of the following:
* a poem (at least four lines)
* a description (use vocabulary words)
* a newspaper article
Pretty flowers
Misty showers
Snow so white
On that height
Fields of glory
Tell the story
Of the Alpine
Heights on high.
The little critter short and fat,
Runs around like a little rat.
He stole my half-eaten fruit,
So I chased him and saw that he was too cute!
There was a bird
He asked what he heard;
Then he stepped down the stair,
And lost all his hair.
The wreath's beautiful pink roses are surrounded by vivid green leaves. Dainty daisies are entwined by vines. This wreath is a beautiful display of nature.
Once there was a little dog,
His fur all silk and smooth,
This doggie is my little friend,
Despite his stinky poo.

The Elephant
Whoa, what is that booming sound?
It is an elephant, shaking the ground.
That beauty of nature and God's Creation,
Has walked up to our missionary station.
What a glory she is, and always will be,
Hey, I think that she likes me!
The Goat News

One day as Mr. Goat and his two children, Babbi and Bambi, were going on a trip to the mountains, Bambi nibbled some flowers, while Bobby, on the other hand, started to chase his sister. They ran and ran until their father asked them to come back. They went home and then took a long snooze.