Just about every Friday, one of my sons and I frequent thrift stores. I am usually looking for educational items: books, puzzles, brain games, and also vintage stuff for my history classes. I don't like to spend much money and I enjoy the hunt; I never know what we'll find. Here are a few items I picked up recently.
above: an amazing vintage starfish collection

a genuine Williamsburg pottery mug

a neat bottle puzzle
(The students love it!)
And, this puzzle is sweet. It was all wrapped up in plastic and I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but I love wooden puzzles and handmade stuff, so for $1.50, I got it. Boy, did I get a surprise when I got home. This is one of the neatest puzzles I've ever seen.
Layer 1
Layer 2
It kept getting better. Layer 3!
Layer 4! I love surprises.