After the "Reform in Western Culture" chapter test, I gave each of my students a photograph of the Eiffel Tower and a ruler. I also gave each group 200 popsicle sticks, some hot glue guns, and an hour (which ended up being two hours.) The challenge was to make a proportionally correct replica of the Eiffel Tower. I showed them how to measure the photograph and then multiply every measurement by the same number to keep it in proportion. Then I set them loose, but before I did, I told them one more vital piece of information. "If you want to do anything else to your project, you must ask." That got them thinking, which was exactly what I wanted them to do.
"Is it okay to cut the popsicle sticks?" the guys asked.
"Yes," I answered with a smile. This is also what I wanted -- for them to work together and to think outside the box a bit.
"May we boil them?" the ladies asked. "Of course," I answered, marveling. I hadn't thought of that! (Boiling makes them more pliable.)

The eighth grade gentlemen technically won as they got theirs finished (and even painted) in time. The seventh grade ladies were second place because they took an extra hour. The eighth grade ladies had the most creative and detailed tower, but alas, theirs still wasn't finished even after the extra time. It's still in my classroom and I'm hoping they'll have a little extra time to finish it soon.