This is something I've been doing for awhile, but recently I've had more time . . . thanks, Corona. If you're into mail art, drop me a line and I'll write you back. (P.O. Box 774, Terre Hill, PA, 17581)

And school work, of course. I was working up at school when a student emailed me as she was working on her final grammar review. She asked me how to diagram a clause if it is functioning as the direct object. So I quickly drew this on the board, snapped a photo of it, uploaded it, and sent her an email back. Ah, technology!

For my birthday, my students' moms decided to bring me a meal every week. One of my students made this absolutely delicious, amazing cake. It had three kinds of chocolate and a yummy cream center -- perfecto!

I enjoyed the lovely smell of the lilacs off the little bush I bought a year or so ago.
And I've been cooking stuff that I don't normally make, such as one of our family's favorites -- sausage ears.