Thursday, May 14, 2020

From White to Wonderful

White walls and Jeff don't get along too well, so he asked for permission to paint the stage in the gym at school.  The principal and school board graciously granted his request.  

I think it took him three weeks of Covid time -- meaning that he had extra time to think, stare at the paint fan for extended periods of time, buy pint jars of paint, paint sample sections of the wall, and then try six different ragging off techniques -- to decide which one he liked the best.  This is normal for him.  I painted the pillars in front of our house at least three times before he found a color combination he liked.  

So, once he had decided upon the undercoat color, the overcoat color, and the ragging off technique, we embarked upon our assignment: to paint the whole back wall.  It had to be done quickly and all at once to do the ragging off technique the right way before the overcoat got too dry.  

One person paints the overcoat on top of the undercoat.  That would be me as I'm a decent trimmer.  I even hold my breath while I trim to keep my hand extra steady.  Is that normal?  Painters please answer.

Then the next person (that would be Jeff) comes quickly behind and rags off part of the top coat to get this sweet marbled effect.  We could only do small sections at a time and we kept trading off up and down the ladder.  It was a little stressful, but a little fun, too.  

And so, after much planning, choosing, and painting, the masterpiece is finished.  We like it.  Here's a closeup.