Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Welcome to My Classroom 2020

Welcome to my 2020-2021 classroom!  This year I am teaching high school art and English right down the hall from our son Joseph's science classroom.  But my room looks a little different from his.  I don't have any dead animals in my room.  Yet.  Just sayin'. 

My daughter Mary helped me with most of it.  She also made me take home an entire truckload of stuff I wanted to put in my room and had taken there.  She said that if I kept it all in there, it would look junky.  She was probably right. 

Jeff built the bookshelves for me from completely recycled materials I hoard in my basement.  The wooden compass was made by our former student who is now a teacher at Lott Mennonite School, Tim Fisher.  He used it in his classroom last year and asked me if it would fit my theme for this year.  Absolutely! 

I got the column for free, too.  It never hurts to ask.  And this was our view as Joseph and I drove to school this lovely fall morning.  It's nice to be back in school.