Saturday, December 12, 2020

It's the Little Things

In between teaching thirty classes a week, monitoring study halls, planning lessons, reading literature stories, grading approximately 420 journal entries a week (I know, I don't have to do that), grading tests, researching art stuff, and taking care of my family, I keep pretty busy.  So, it is nice when someone else takes the time to let me know I'm appreciated.  (Hello, 2s.)  

Besides the caramel latte and a box of chocolates with a super sweet note I got from two different students, I've received a text and an email from two happy moms, a beautiful thank-you journal entry from a student, and an "I understand this so much better now!" statement from a grammar student. 

So, since it is the holiday season and we have so much to be thankful for, spread the love and thank someone -- anyone -- with whom you come into contact -- six feet away, of course.  Smile and thank the clerk when you check out, tell your fellow teachers, "great job!" when you see them doing something amazing, hug your family members and tell them how much you appreciate them.  

                                "Scatter Joy" -  Emerson