Tuesday, February 2, 2021

STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Learning Styles Unlocked

We recently returned from spending three lovely days in my home state of Texas.  Our main reason for being there was to attend the Texas Teachers Conference.   I presented a workshop entitled "Teaching to Different Learning Styles."  As I researched and prepared, I was reminded of how important this sometimes overlooked topic really is, and was also challenged to add more to my lessons.  I thought I'd share a bare-bones outline of my slides here.  If you are interested in seeing all seventy-four slides, along with pictures of many more examples, or would like to receive a link to the thirty-five page List of Hands-on History and Social Studies Projects pictured below,  please email me at littleflock7 at gmail.com, and I'll be happy to share either with you.  

This is a thirty-five page ebook with over fifty projects categorized by time periods and countries.  It includes pictures and links to websites with detailed directions.  My students absolutely love doing these.  I can email you a copy free for the asking if you contact us at littleflock7 @ gmail.com.