Thursday, July 22, 2021

Curriculum, Planning, and Thrift Stores

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So, after I visited my father in Texas, my mother-in-love in Florida, and celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary with Jeff in Rhode Island, I decided I needed some "teacher time."  

1.  I ordered curriculum.  

2.  I ordered some books for myself.  These are GREAT books and I'm getting some wonderful new ideas for next year.  

3.  I organized lots of books, art supplies, etc.  I'm really excited about this one.  I love baskets and collect too many of them, but they do come in handy.  I made a math basket, a language basket, an art basket, a history/science basket, and a brain game basket.  I can just grab which one I need, and then put it back up on the top of the bookshelves when I'm done.  Yay. 

4.  I'm working on presentations for Teachers Week at Faithbuilders.  This is honestly one of my absolute favorite weeks of the year.  I get to also attend classes (history, anyone?) and get all kinds of great ideas from other teachers during all the fantastic sessions and conversations that happen everywhere all week long.  I love it. 

5.  I've been shopping at thrift stores.  I've found some incredible finds including this amazing ammonite for cheap, more brain games (these make learning so enjoyable), and lots of books.  


THESE BOOKS ARE NOT FOR ME -- They are for an acquaintance who is starting a school in Africa.  She homeschooled her own children, and is now opening up her home to other children whose parents would like them to receive a Christian education.  And, she's even using Anabaptist curriculum.  Oh, yay.  

WE ARE SOOOOO BLESSED; LET'S SHARE!  If you would like to send some educational books to this start-up school, email me using that nifty little contact box up on the right side there and I'll make sure to get you the correct address so that more books can be on their way to an Anabaptist school in Africa.