Friday, November 26, 2021

23 Worthwhile Things to Do

    Jeff gave this topic at a school chapel recently.  I went along to listen and to encourage him, and I was encouraged myself.  Except for numbers 15 and 17, I've done the rest in some shape or form.  These, I highly recommend.  

23 Worthwhile Things To Do

by Jeff Swanson

1.  Read the Bible in a year (many, many times).  

2. Spend time with grandparents.  You won't always have them around.

3.  Stay at home on Friday night.  (Just be with your family.You will forget what you did with your friends.)

4.  Try every job you ever wanted to do.   

5.  Keep sheep.  You'll understand more of the Bible and God just loves sheep.  The lamb that was slain is the only one who can open the book in Revelation.

6.  Marry your best friend. (Who would you rather sit and talk and drink coffee with in the whole world?)

7.  Have a bunch of children. (Mine are my best friends.)

8.  Take advanced math and science classes (or advanced English, literature, and journalism classes :-). 

9.  Keep good company.  In college, all of my friends from high school started partying and drinking.  I decided not to hang out with them any more and found better friends.   

10.  Let your life be full of God. Music. Talk.  Thoughts.  Creation.

11.  Stay close to your church.  I love the church. (Go to church every time the doors are open.)

12.  Stay Anabaptist.  I have been the other way and I don't want to go back.  My convictions are here and I can't go back.

13.  Stay true to yourself and your interests.  Don't do stuff just because everyone else is doing it.  If you really want to take an art or music class instead of a P.E. or sports class, just be different and do it!   

14.  Learn self discipline.  When I was in the 4th grade my mother forced me to do long division problems every night until I mastered it.  I've done this with lifting weights, practicing music, praying, reading the Bible, and other disciplines.  Try to do something every day for 90 days, and you will have mastered it.  

15.   Run a ½ marathon.

16.   On Sundays after church hang out with old people or children.

17.   Keep your first car.   Trust me guys.

18.   Read How To Win Friends And Influence People.  While not a religious book, it does have many biblical principles in it.   

19.   Make your own convictions.  If you think that something isn't helping you walk closer with God, then drop it, even if your church says it's okay.  Don't have a herd mentality and let local culture be your conscience.   

20.   When you check out, ask the cashier how his or her day is going.  Actually, say that to everyone.

21.   Do everything you ever wanted to do in high school that's not bad.

22.  Remember who you were in the 5th grade.  After that, most of us are very affected by peer pressure, fitting in, and being cool.  Remember who you were and what you liked in 5th grade, and try to stick to that the rest of your life.  

23.  Never leave home without praying.