Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Advanced Fraktur


These were done by high school students, so that's why I called it advanced fraktur.  I've done fraktur with even first graders, so it can be done, but this is just a little more complicated. 

First we learned about the incredibly interesting history of fraktur.  Then we spent some time writing one word in fraktur using one of the three alphabets I'd selected.   Each student's homework assignment was to coffee stain their own paper and then write a word or phrase in fraktur on it.  

The next week we spent our class period sketching and painting flowers, birds, and trees, and looking at more colorful examples of vintage fraktur works of art.  (Many of these were from the Mennonite Heritage Center, as many Mennonites of German decent would have brought this art form with them to America from Germany.)  The homework assignment for this week was to add these to their words or phrases.  The results were lovely. 


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