There is much research to show how much children benefit from being and playing outside, so we try to spend a chunk of time outside each day. This usually takes two forms: physical exercise and what I like to call "science time." Sometimes we combine the two. Last week we spent time walking and playing disc golf, among other activities.
We found one of the first little spring flowers peeping up through the grass.
While admiring this amazing tree (and trying to count the branches emerging from its trunk), we found a bird's nest hidden among the many branches.
Out in one of our raised beds, we planted the veggies we had been growing in water.
We made more suet and enjoyed seeing a red-bellied woodpecker and a flicker at the feeders at the same time. (In the picture below, you can actually see his red belly.)
And we smelled a skunk, and then we found him. This would be the spotted skunk variety, and not a striped skunk. I learned about this the hard way.