Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Voice Lesson and a Young Artist

This drawing is based on true events.  Every summer, Jeff offers voice lessons to any his of students who are interested.  They become better singers, and it helps the choir. 

 Following the Billy Grahm Rule, he requires any female student to bring her mother or sister along to voice lessons.  So, while Jeff was teaching and his student was singing, her little sister (age 7) was drawing what was happening.  Here is her rendition.

Left to right:  Jeff at the keyboard saying, "good."

Music stand 

Big sister singing a high G    (the top note on the right) 

Second grade little sister artist saying, "Ouch!" 

After the lesson, the artist showed this work of art to her big sister and they were laughing.  Then they showed Jeff.  He loved it asked if he could have it.  She said yes, and here it is.  
Yay for funny students.