Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Korean Clay Pottery

      After studying ancient Korean and pottery making in history, we tried our hands at it ourselves.  I ordered the clay and the glazes, gave each student about a pound of clay, and showed them how to make a pinch pot (above) or how to roll the clay out flat and drape it over something (below).  After it had completely dried, I let the students glaze and paint their own designs, encouraging them to put on at least three layers of each color.  I carefully put the overcoat of glaze on after that as it can be tedious for the younger ones, and off the pieces went to my friend who has a kiln.  It was exciting to get them back fired and finished, and the students really can eat out of them.  

   And when students ask me if they can be extra creative because they have a neat idea, I love to answer, "Yes!"  They made these miniature pieces with the leftover clay scraps.