Friday, September 8, 2023

100 School Kits for Christian Aid Ministries

     One of our goals at Maple Grove Mennonite Academy this year is to participate in a few service projects.  It is so good for all of us to focus on serving others and not thinking about ourselves too much.  For the first quarter, we assembled 100 international school kits for Christian Aid Ministries.  I was greatly blessed by a dear friend of mine who donated all of the supplies so that all we had to do was assemble them.  She told me that when she was loading up 400 spiral notebooks into carts at Walmart, a man asked her what she was doing and then handed her a $40 donation.  

     The junior high students unpacked all the supplies and organized them into an assembly line, and then every student from first grade up had a job to do as the hand-sewn bags passed down the line.  We enjoyed our time working together and finished in much less time than I expected.  The older gentlemen helped us load them into one of the teacher's cars, and we went back to our usual schedule.  Servanthood should be encouraged and cultivated--planned intentionally until it becomes just a natural part of who we are and what we do.  I'm searching for more ways to encourage our students toward this worthy goal.  

For more information, visit the CAM website:

International School Kits

For schools in Liberia, Ukraine, Nicaragua, and other countries.

Items to include:

  • 4 spiral notebooks (8″ x 10 1/2″ or 8 1/2″ x 11 with approximately 70 pages each)
  • 1 wooden 12-inch/metric ruler
  • 6 wooden No. 2 pencils (unsharpened, good quality
  • 1 Pink Pearl™ eraser, or similar quality (not pencil top)
  • 2 blue or black ink pens
  • 1 box of 24 crayons (basic colors)
  • 1 comb
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 drawstring bag (11″ x 15″)