Monday, December 25, 2023

Hey, Hey, Hey! I Can Crochet!

     For our professional development day, we three teachers spent a few hours at a Waldorf school, and it was incredibly interesting.  We decided that we would try to do even more hands-on activities and got some great ideas from our visit.  One teacher helped us all transplant succulents which we sold for donations at our Christmas program.  The next week the younger grades planted winter wheat just like the Mennonites did in the history story they'd been reading, Henry's Red Sea.  Another teacher taught us all how to crochet.  Our goal was to crochet three different strands each a yard long, and then to braid them.  Even the first and second graders learned how to do it.  Several students did even more than we had asked.  On our free play day, several of us took ours outside and crocheted and talked in the sunshine.


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