I recently returned around fifty books to our local public library. Here's why.
1. My students are currently working on their research papers.
2. It is easier for me to make one trip to the library, gather up all the books and check them out than it is for all thirty-eight of my students and their parents to make thirty-eight separate trips to the library to get books.
3. While my personal library and the school library have a pretty good selection, there were not near enough books for each of their topics.
4. This way they all can begin working on their notecards the same day, which makes the entire project and my week more organized.
5. I wanted them to have good information, and lots of it.
6. I still have nightmares about the student I taught years ago who never did make it to the library and ended up plagiarizing ninety percent of his paper from websites. Just for fun, I printed out the websites and highlighted every sentence he copied. Hee hee hee.
7. My husband was editing this and told me to add it. Library books smell WAY BETTER than computers.
AND - my students' topics were amazing. Here is a list of some of them, and I have a google docs slide presentation with over 100 interesting topics for students to choose from, broken into two separate parts: American history and world history.
Email me if you are interested and I'll be glad to share it with you! littleflock7@gmail.com
Egyptian pyramids
Adolf Eichman's escape and hiding
Kon-Tiki expedition
Easter Island statues
Viking longboats
St. Basil's Cathedral
wooly mammoths
the history of paper making
Roman aqueducts
the Roman Colloseum
Mayan pyramids
Great Wall of China
Halifax explosion
and many more . . .