We had so much fun finding all those participles in the Hardy Boys books that I thought we should write some of our own. So, for a journal assignment, I had the students write three book titles which contained a participle. Only instead of it being The Hardy Boys, they would be writing titles about events that had really happened at school, and so we would call it The Tardy Boys. Here are some of my favorites.

One girl's lunch stank up the entire downstairs of the school .
The eighth graders are notorious for leaving dirty tissues scattered everywhere -- and the other grades let them know about it.

I assure you, it's happy screaming about something exciting -- like a 95.55 class average on a hard four-page grammar test today.

Gym class. No explanation needed.

I'm not sure if this would be a sequel to The Stinking Shoe or not, but sometimes a lot of Axe gets sprayed after a physical education class.

One day during class, a large piece of fabric fell down onto a few of the students.

We couldn't get a good picture of the real class bells, but they are frequently off schedule.

Another pet peeve of mine is bouncing basketballs right outside my door while I'm teaching. The rule is that if anyone gets caught bouncing a ball there, I confiscate the ball and the student owes me chocolate to get it back.


The most dangerous seats in my room are the ones by my messy closet -- especially after an achievement party when I've been digging in there.

Read about this true school happening here.

One of the turtles in Mr. Caleb's science room escaped and was recovered.

One girl's lunch stank up the entire downstairs of the school .

The eighth graders are notorious for leaving dirty tissues scattered everywhere -- and the other grades let them know about it.

I assure you, it's happy screaming about something exciting -- like a 95.55 class average on a hard four-page grammar test today.

Gym class. No explanation needed.

I'm not sure if this would be a sequel to The Stinking Shoe or not, but sometimes a lot of Axe gets sprayed after a physical education class.

One day during class, a large piece of fabric fell down onto a few of the students.

We couldn't get a good picture of the real class bells, but they are frequently off schedule.

Another pet peeve of mine is bouncing basketballs right outside my door while I'm teaching. The rule is that if anyone gets caught bouncing a ball there, I confiscate the ball and the student owes me chocolate to get it back.


The most dangerous seats in my room are the ones by my messy closet -- especially after an achievement party when I've been digging in there.

Read about this true school happening here.

One of the turtles in Mr. Caleb's science room escaped and was recovered.