Since I'm catching up on posting, here are a few of the 7th and 8th graders' three-dimensional history projects from last year. The projects must include correct details, and if it is a building, it should have at least three relevant items inside. The students are also required to include ten written facts about their projects. These ten facts are often part of their outlines when it comes to writing their English/history research papers, many of which are based on their three-dimensional project topics. If you are interested in seeing a 100+ topic slide show to share with your students to get them excited about history reports or projects, please email me at littleflock7 at gmail.com and I'll be glad to share it with you.

The young man who completed this model of the Colossus of Rhodes used his little brother for a model and tape casted it.

The young lady who completed this project studied paper making and made her own lovely paper.

This model of Chichen Itza was proportionately correct, and the second picture below shows the detail of the inside of this Mongolian yurt -- complete with a little fire! Click here to see more projects, or type "history" in the "search this blog" bar.