Yesterday was our last day of school for eleven whole days. I'll be itching to get back in my classroom in about nine days, but until then, I've got plans!

'Twas the morn before Christmas break and all through the school,
Just the teachers were stirring in sweaters that weren't cool.
Snowflakes were hung through the halls with great care,
In hopes that our spirits would be brightened with them there.
The students were nestled in their seats on the bus,
Or in cars with their parents not making a fuss.
And the teachers in their sweaters, and the ladies in their caps,
Were ready for the last day with workbooks and maps,
Then the busses unloaded and the students with great clatter,
Entered the school and we knew what was the matter.
Away to the front doors we ran with a flash,
And Kay had her candy canes - quite a great stash.
It was sixty degrees and there was no snow,
But we passed out candy to the students, though.
And what to our wondering eyes did appear,
But two more buses full of students with cheer.
We sprang to our classrooms and some gave a whistle,
To the classrooms they flew like the down of a thistle.
The day was a good one with lessons and fun,
And then before we knew it, the day was all done.
We exclaimed, as they drove away out of sight—
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Our creative and fun resource room teachers, Kay Fisher and Kaitlyn Zimmerman, set up a fun photo booth in their room.
Third grade aide Ariana Rutt and I enjoyed the props.

'Twas the morn before Christmas break and all through the school,
Just the teachers were stirring in sweaters that weren't cool.
Snowflakes were hung through the halls with great care,
In hopes that our spirits would be brightened with them there.
The students were nestled in their seats on the bus,
Or in cars with their parents not making a fuss.
And the teachers in their sweaters, and the ladies in their caps,
Were ready for the last day with workbooks and maps,
Then the busses unloaded and the students with great clatter,
Entered the school and we knew what was the matter.
Away to the front doors we ran with a flash,
And Kay had her candy canes - quite a great stash.
It was sixty degrees and there was no snow,
But we passed out candy to the students, though.
And what to our wondering eyes did appear,
But two more buses full of students with cheer.
We sprang to our classrooms and some gave a whistle,
To the classrooms they flew like the down of a thistle.
The day was a good one with lessons and fun,
And then before we knew it, the day was all done.
We exclaimed, as they drove away out of sight—
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Our creative and fun resource room teachers, Kay Fisher and Kaitlyn Zimmerman, set up a fun photo booth in their room.
Third grade aide Ariana Rutt and I enjoyed the props.