Shalom Mennonite School
Fishin’ Mission
I will Make You Fishers of Men…………………..Harry D. Clarke
Fishin’ Mission…………………….Deana and Jeff Swanson
Grades 1 and 2
Go and Make Disciples……………….Troy and Genie Nilsson
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus………..Duffield/Webb
Who Did Swallow Jonah?..............Traditional
Grades 3 and 4
Jesus Saves (We have heard the joyful sound) (768)................Owens/Kirkpatrick
I Was Sinking………………Rowe/Smith
Who Built the Ark…………….Traditional
Grades 5 and 6
There’s a Call (767)...............Charles H. Gabriel
Like a River (804)................Havergal/Mountain
Sing! Together Psallite!.....................Bach/Liebergen
Music Elective Class
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need………………………Traditional/Virgil Thomson
Adoramus Te……………...Palestrina/Leavitt
Grades 7 and 8
Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth………………...Harmonia Sacra
Three a cappella Latin Settings…………..Jerry Estes
Master the Tempest is Raging………...Baker/Palmer
Keep Your Lamps……………………….Andre Thomas
Here I Am, Lord……………..Daniel L. Shutte
All School Songs
Shall We Gather at the River (start with 7 and 8 on stage).....Robert Lowry
Guide My Feet…………………….Traditional/Hal Hopson
Shalom……………………….Teresa Jennings
I will Make You Fishers of Men…………………..Harry D. Clarke
Fishin’ Mission…………………….Deana and Jeff Swanson
Grades 1 and 2
Go and Make Disciples……………….Troy and Genie Nilsson
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus………..Duffield/Webb
Who Did Swallow Jonah?..............Traditional
Grades 3 and 4
Jesus Saves (We have heard the joyful sound) (768)................Owens/Kirkpatrick
I Was Sinking………………Rowe/Smith
Who Built the Ark…………….Traditional
Grades 5 and 6
There’s a Call (767)...............Charles H. Gabriel
Like a River (804)................Havergal/Mountain
Sing! Together Psallite!.....................Bach/Liebergen
Music Elective Class
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need………………………Traditional/Virgil Thomson
Adoramus Te……………...Palestrina/Leavitt
Grades 7 and 8
Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth………………...Harmonia Sacra
Three a cappella Latin Settings…………..Jerry Estes
Master the Tempest is Raging………...Baker/Palmer
Keep Your Lamps……………………….Andre Thomas
Here I Am, Lord……………..Daniel L. Shutte
All School Songs
Shall We Gather at the River (start with 7 and 8 on stage).....Robert Lowry
Guide My Feet…………………….Traditional/Hal Hopson
Shalom……………………….Teresa Jennings