When we study the Medieval times, I usually have my students make illuminated letters like the monks or scribes would have sometimes used when they were copying manuscripts by hand before the days of the printing press.

But this year, I did a little research and used this helpful tutorial. I also bought the gold paint advertised at the end. It added a nice touch.

The letter O stands for this student's name, oaks, and olives. You're on your own to figure out the rest of the clues.

Okay, this one is mine. Get it -- a swan and a sun.


But this year, I did a little research and used this helpful tutorial. I also bought the gold paint advertised at the end. It added a nice touch.

The letter O stands for this student's name, oaks, and olives. You're on your own to figure out the rest of the clues.

Okay, this one is mine. Get it -- a swan and a sun.
