Thursday, August 13, 2020

Peach Pie: Physical Atmosphere

 Is your classroom or school (or hopefully both) an intriguing place to be?  Is it beautiful?  Are the colors pleasing to look at?  Do you have art on the walls?  Do you have unique puzzles and games to pique the students' interest?

A long time ago, I worked at a nice hotel in downtown Dallas, Texas.  I remember walking into the foyer for the first time.  The floors were marble and there was a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.  Every morning there was a coffee bar.   Every Tuesday the chef cooked a delicious lunch: fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and turnip greens.  Mmmmmmm!  That was one of the best jobs I've ever had because the atmosphere was so wonderful.  It was actually a boring job when I think back on it, but the pleasant atmosphere made all the difference.  

We teachers can do the same thing for our students.  If we do it right, students will like to be there just because it is a beautiful, intriguing, fun place to be.  

Quick Start Guide


*frame art prints 

*hang stuff from the ceiling

*add great books, puzzles, and brain games

For further reading:  

Tour of the School

Brain Games 

Hang Stuff from the Ceiling