Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Peanut Butter Pie: Silent Time



This is an easy one.  There are times every day when the classroom needs to be quiet and the students have focused time to do their work, read, write, etc.  I have found this to be most profitable to the students directly after a lesson.  I remember as a student learning a new concept, and then having some time in class right after I had learned it to practice it.  This really helped "cement" the concept into my brain, and I valued that time.  

With younger students, it is nice to have a fifteen minute silent reading time.  I have often let my students choose any book in my room that they want to read and just let them enjoy reading.  Other times I would have them read a chapter book.

The toughest part about quiet time for a teacher is to keep all the students quiet and focused.  The classroom culture has a lot to do with this.  Have expectations and enforce them. We teachers need to make the environment conducive to quiet working or studying.  It's our responsibility.  

For further reading: