Thursday, July 8, 2021

30th Anniversary Science

We just returned from celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in Rhode Island.  We spent two lovely days doing history and science and art stuff.  We did eat a lot of seafood and ice cream, and we biked a lot, too.  From Narraganset, we took a ferry to Block Island and found a really deserted beach.  There, we found a bunch of stinky, interesting stuff like dead sharks, stingrays (and their egg cases), and crabs.  Jeff wanted to dissect the shark, but we didn't have a knife.  

While Jeff was finding dead stuff, I found some moon snail, oyster, and sea slipper shells, along with these sting ray egg cases.  The long spiny arms catch on seed weed and anchor the cases until the eggs hatch.

I also found a few pieces of sea glass, and the inside spiral of a sea shell never ceases to amaze me and remind me how great our Creator is.  

And I don't normally don't collect pebbles, but there were a lot of rocks on all of the Rhode Island beaches we visited, and the vibrant colors were gorgeous.  I tried to get one in every color.