Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Power of "You Can Do This!"

      On this last day of my summer vacation as I am getting ready for the start of another school year (YAY!),  I've been contemplating what I believe is the second most powerful tool we as teachers have, and that is the power of positive encouragement.  (The first most powerful tools we have are prayer and God.)   

     No matter what curriculum we use, no matter where our school building is, no matter how long we've been teaching, what our personal level of education is, or what our students' personalities are like, the power of a positive environment and encouraging words coming from us and going to our students is immeasurable.  

     We have the power to brighten our students' days.  Encouragement can give them some extra motivation to "get over the hump," bear down, and finish whatever it is that they are trying to do, and to do it well.  Then they will be encouraged instead of discouraged.  They will have an improved self-image because they had tried really hard and accomplished an earlier task.  And then the next time they face an educational or relational obstacle, they will have greater self-confidence because they have the knowledge that they've done it before and can do it again.  That's an incredible pay off for a few words and a smile.  

     A smile and a few kind words can make a student's day.  Let's use the power of our tongues to edify, bless, and encourage our students this year starting on the very first day, and continuing every day throughout this school year.  

                    Happy first day of school 2021!