Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fall Leaf Art Project

We have been collecting some gorgeous fall leaves on our nature hikes and on the way to the tennis court for physical education, and I wanted to do something with them.  I sourced this idea from paintedpaperart and decided that we'd try it.  

First, we each chose a leaf and then carefully sketched it, trying to draw each vein as we saw it on our leaves.  I love when we can combine two subjects into one, like science and art.  Then we used a Sharpie marker to outline our sketches.

Next we painted them, being careful to get the colors as close to our actual leaves as we could.  It was fascinating to see the how the 
colors change and differ within a single leaf.  

Last we cut them out, leaving some white around the edges just because it looks better.  They will make lovely fall classroom decorations.