Monday, October 11, 2021

Serious Real Life Biology Lessons

These are some pictures of our science classes from the last two or three weeks.  We read from our textbook outside near the end of lunch, and then as we head out for recess, we look for whatever we just learned about in science, or anything else sciency that we can find.  The day we studied moles, our cat provided a nice specimen for us to examine, as she also did a mouse the week we studied rodents.  Looking at those teeth close up is interesting.  

Above:  We watched a praying mantis eating a bumblebee.

Below:  Our cat provided this for us, too.   I wish she would at least eat part of it.  
Below: I got this at a thrift store to display our treasures so that we could enjoy them a little more.
Below is an ichneumon wasp we found.  The female's ovipositor (we learned about that in science a few weeks ago) is four inches long! She doesn't use it to sting; she uses it to bore into trees and then lays her eggs there.  

And this we found perfectly skinned -- inside out.  I believe it was the work of a raccoon.  After turning it right side out, I cut it down the middle and we began tanning it today.  I'm pretty sure it's a vole skin.