Monday, December 6, 2021

Four Square Math

We were working on our daily writing journal assignment when two of my students wrote that one of their favorite after-school activities was playing four square.  That gave me an idea.  As it turned out, their dad had already had the same idea and had made a four square court at their house.  So we made another one at school.  

We grabbed masking tape, a yard stick, and a ball, and headed outside at recess.  
Dimensions:  10 foot by 10 foot, "which makes the area of it 100 square feet" one of the students informed me. 
That would make the middle line at -  "5 feet!"  answered another student.  

We finished our little four square court and played a few nice long games of four square.  I got to be queen only once, and I fell over only once, which isn't too bad for me.