Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Fourteen Course Colonial Dinner and History Night

We invited parents, grandparents, and a few aunts and uncles to join us for our Fourteen Course Colonial Dinner and History Night.  After signing the guest book with a real feather quill and blueberry ink, our youngest student gave them a copy of our colonial newspaper, written and desgined by the students.  The menu (pictured below) was printed on the back page. 

Then, we really ate all fourteen courses with the older students serving the guests.  The students did a fabulous job, and it was quite an enjoyable evening.  Afterward, we played authentic colonial games including the following. 

* Find the Peanuts (The students had hidden peanuts all over the room.)
* Kitchen Sounds (The students made sounds in the kitchen and the adults identified the sounds.)
* Card House Stacking
* Colonial Hoop Toss 

We also displayed our colonial hands-on history projects which included fraktur, stamp printing, silhouettes, and family crests.  Yay for history and yay for learning.  I had never known what a fourteen course meal consisted of before this.   

the menu:

We also ate the peanuts we found :-).  I guess that would have been the 15th course?