Monday, January 24, 2022

Give Me Oil in My Lamp . . . and Help! Poisoned Peas!

Since we were learning about coal, petroleum, and other fossil fuels this day, I thought it would be interesting to make a simple oil lamp using vegetable oil, a piece of twine, and a tuna can.  It worked and burned for quite awhile.  

The birds love the suet we made.  They've already enjoyed all four cakes, so we made more this morning.
We wrote articles (about mostly true events), designed ads, printed, and coffee stained our colonial newspaper as we were getting ready for history night.  Here is a true story on the front page of our little newspaper about a man who attempted to poison George Washington's peas.  We learned about this from the book Phoebe the Spy, based on a true account.  

After reading about Benjamin Franklin's love of fourteen course meals, we researched them and decided to have one for our history night. We made apple tarts and cheese wafers using authentic colonial recipes.   I hadn't planned on having home economics classes this year, but I guess we did one anyway.