Pictures can say so much more than words.
We had a superb field trip at a Delaware beach yesterday. Beforehand, we had studied and examined several different kinds of shells and beach combing treasures that could be found. Each student brought some type of bag for their specimens, and I gave each one of them a "beach treasure hunt" list to encourage them to find as many different science things as they could. They didn't disappoint me.
Besides finding lots of great science stuff, they ran in the surf and sand, skipped stones, exclaimed in wonder, and enjoyed each other's company in one of the most wondrous places of God's amazing creation. That is priceless.

Each student was given a tiny bottle with a cork stopper in which to collect some sand--one of the items on the treasure hunt list. Below: sand in a bottle, a jingle shell, a miniature sea slipper, and two tiny crab shells.
Above: beach pebbles, a razor clam shell, blood ark shells
Below: crab pinchers and barnacles
Below: a knobbed whelk
Below: (top to bottom; left to right) feathers, crab shell, horseshoe crab shell,
a spiral of whelk eggs, and driftwood
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