Monday, November 27, 2023

A Tale of Two Books

      I recently ordered another literature book because we needed one.  I almost always order used books, but when this one arrived, it was in pristine condition.  I felt guilty keeping it for myself.  So, I traded with the student that had the book that was in the worst condition and let her have my much newer one.  

     I have a few reasons for doing this.  First of all, I don't want to feel like I'm the "privileged" teacher and I get the best of everything.  I make sacrifices for my students, and I think that it's good that they notice this sometimes.  If I model unselfishness, hopefully they will pick up on that and begin being more unselfish themselves.  

     Secondly, I remind them often to take care of their books.  If I'm trusting them with a newer, nicer book, then hopefully they will be more motivated to take care of it since I entrusted it to them. 

     Finally, it's showing respect.  The little things that we teachers do to let our students know that we value and care about them do make a difference, although the results may not be something that we see for years--if ever.  But, it's just the right thing to do.