I had the idea to work on some embroidery for art awhile ago, and this month we finally got around to it. I bought some muslin and let each student trace several designs I'd printed out for them, or create their own, which several of them did. Then we showed them how to fit the fabric onto various sized hoops I had collected for a Chinese paper making project. Next we gave them large needles, threaded them, and got to work. Even the first graders finished theirs and did a good job.
I told the gentlemen that this was a good skill to have, and that as soon as they finished theirs, they could do some woodburning. It worked. One even added a solar eclipse to his. (See below.)
The teachers usually complete the art project too, after making sure that all our students understand how to do theirs. We drop whatever we are doing if they need help, and usually end up finishing ours at home or after school hours. This it sets a good example for the students to see us working on and completing our projects as well. I finished mine below on a recent choir tour. That explains the coffee stain.