Thursday, May 30, 2024

Retrospective on the Year

 This article was originally posted on The Dock for Learning. 

The last weeks of May found me beachcombing in North Carolina and eating inordinate amounts of Mexican food in Texas.  Both were fabulous, mind-clearing, and relaxing.  But now, between music camps and whenever I have a quiet hour, I'm working on getting everything ready for August so that I can enjoy the rest of my summer.  Here are a few thoughts on evaluating the past school year and preparing for the next one.    

Retrospective on the Year 

As the end of the year approaches, many teachers look back on what went well and what they want to keep for next year, as well as which areas they need to improve upon.  

I’m happy with my current schedule, and it took a lot of adjusting to get one that worked, especially with juggling four grades in one classroom.

I’m also happy with our current policy on fix-ups, how the students are relating to each other and their teachers, and school culture. 

There are also a few things that I’d like to improve.  I need to make sure that I’ve got all my copies made over the summer so that I’m not having to do that in the middle of the school year or on weekends.  I’d also like to add some new physical education ideas to my list so that I can plan ahead a little better.  I try to have thirty-six new art projects–one for every week of the year.  I need to finish up that list as well.  

While almost all of the curriculum for next year is already ordered, there are still a few loose ends such as handwriting that I’m still looking for.  I will get that done as soon as school is out.  

I’m also collecting program songs that I’d like to do for both programs next year, and making a list of possible field trip options.  I’m putting all of these ideas on one master document that I can print out, put on a clipboard, and have handy all year.  The extra planning done ahead of time really pays off the next school year.

And, I hope to get all of this done the first week after school is out so that I can enjoy the rest of my summer, although I am always collecting ideas and adding them to my list.  If I work on these things while they are fresh on my mind at the end of the school year, I should be well prepared for the start of the next school term in August.