Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Three Triple Chocolate Mocha Bundt Cakes

Sometimes I say things without thinking too much.  This was one of those.  I blurted out, "Whichever class has the highest average on the next vocabulary and spelling test wins one of my amazing triple chocolate mocha bundt cakes."  The freshmen won with an 88.7 average.  Several of the students brought their grades up a lot.  So, I made them a cake.  


Step 1:  Bake the cake.  Step 2:  Make the ganache.   

Step 3:  Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top.     

HERE is a link to the recipe.  

Then I realized that one cake wasn't going to be enough as I have twenty-six freshmen.  So I baked a second one.  (I only have one bundt ban.)  Now I had two cakes to take to school.  
Then my husband and youngest son got up from their naps and asked if these yummy cakes were for them.  So, I baked a third one.