Tuesday, October 5, 2021

DIY Fabric Dyeing and Pokeberry Dotty-Dots

When we were finished painting with our homemade paint, I just couldn't throw it all away, and I didn't really want to try to store it, so I decided to throw some cotton fabric into the bowls.  There was still some paint left over, so I used it for my favorite part: making dotty-dots.  The pokeberry worked the best for this.  After soaking the fabric in the dye overnight, I rinsed it and then soaked it in a mixture of salt, water, and vinegar overnight.  After it dried, it didn't look as dark, but I still like the effect and plan to use it for quilt squares or something like that.  

This is what they looked like once they were rinsed and dried.  The colors are never as vibrant as they are wet, but the goldenrod came out surprisingly bright.