Saturday, October 16, 2021

Radial Balance and Pattern Projects from the Abiding Peace Online Art Classes

Here is a little glimpse of our Abiding Peace Virtual School online art class.  The next semester begins in January and is open to any adult or high school student who wants to practice and learn a little art every week.  The class is 50 minutes long one morning a week, and there is about another hour of enjoyable and relaxing art homework assigned. 

Above:  The first week we worked on grid sketches.

Below:  We just finished a booklet on the Principles of Design from Hannah Nolt's ARTiculations Studio Art Curriculum.  The following photos are from an extra pattern homework assignment.  

Below are from the previous week's assignment on radial balance.  

To see more of Hannah's great art projects and my students' work, click on these links:
Art Class is Great!