Thursday, December 16, 2021

Sweet-smelling Anti-bacterial Soap Sculptures

Eli, a character in The Skippack School, a book we were reading for history, also carved designs into wood, making decorations on furniture.  Carving potatoes was a lot of fun, and the book had given me another idea:  to carve soap.  That's much easier and less dangerous than carving wood.  Here's how we accomplished this project.  

1.  We outlined bars of Ivory soap onto paper.  

2.  We sketched our design onto the pieces of paper, adding some details. 

3.  Next we caved out the basic shape, using PLASTIC knives.  

4.  Next, we used a potato peeler to sculpt the edges and make them more rounded. 

5.  Finally, we added details, using the plastic knives and sharp pencil points.